Enroll Help!

Guide to enroll. Follow the simple steps below to get Enrolled.

If you are an adult or student and you want to enroll for yourself, click here.

If you are a parent and you want to enroll your child, click here!

  1. To start off, please read all the Membership conditions
  2. Fill in the form and confirm that you have read the terms, click ENROLL
  3. You will be sent an email, click in the email on “Yes, subscribe me to this list” (Please refer to the images below to see different scenarios when receiving the emails.)
  4. If you do not receive an email, it could be due to you using an email address at work or that of the government, these emails are set to block auto-responders, so look in the Spam folder or try again to enroll with a different email address.
  5. Good luck!
  6. PS: If all else fails, please call Stephen on 0832528304.
  7. Continue reading…

After going through steps 1 & 2 above you will receive an email looking like image 1 below. Depending on the email program you use it might say “Click the RED button”, but there will be no red button. See image 2, as that is what it will look like, the email program you use, could block the red background as well the Mailchimp image, however the text: “Yes, subscribe me to this list” seen in image 2, is still the link to follow. Simply click on it to go to the next step.

Image 1

Image 2

After clicking “Yes, subscribe me to this list.” you will be directed to a page that look like the image below. Confirm your humanity, Click Subscribe and you will be directed to a Subscription Confirmed page, (next image), you’re done.